Monday, August 26, 2013

Film Intro Survey

1. What is the first movie that made a really strong impression on you?
The Sixth Sense

2. What are 3-4 of your favorite genres?
Action/Adventure, Documentary, Horror, War

3. What are 3-4 of your least favorite genres?
Drama, Foreign, Musical, Romance

4. What are your five favorite films?
Into the Wild, V for Vendetta, Gladiator, Lord of the Rings III, The Prestige, Sin City

5. List three charachteristics of what you consider to be a good movie.
Cinematography, Original Story, Thought- Provoking, Good Music

6. What are some of your least favorite movies?
Tree of Life, Avatar, Grown-Ups, The Karate Kid

7. List three charachteristics of what you consider to be a bad movie.
Bad acting, Predictable story, Too much emphasis on romance

8. If you have any favorite directors, list them.
Tarantino, Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson

9. If you have any Favorite Actors/Actresses, list them.
Morgan Freeman, Adam Sandler

10. List three films that you consider important films for people to see.
The Shining, 300, Shawshank Redemption

11. Whats your oldest favorite film?
Scarface (1983)

12. Whats the best movie you've seen thats been released in the past 2 years?
Django Unchained

13. What are the next five films on your "queue"?
The Secret life of Walter Mitty, Anchorman 2, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Resident Evil 6, Kick Ass 2

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